Speech about James Dean


This speech commemorates the life of James Dean the wonderful actor and voice of an age. It speaks of the impact he made in his short life before being tragically killed in a car crash. It tells how now, years later, he still has a huge fan club and how he still speaks for the rebels without a cause. The short poem offers the opportunity to end the speech on an unusual note.

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Why not surprise your audience by giving a commemorate speech about James Dean? Our speech commemorates the life of James Dean the wonderful actor and voice of an age. It speaks of the impact he made in his short life before being tragically killed in a car crash. It tells how now, years later, he still has a huge fan club and how he still speaks for those rebels without a cause. This speech is informative yet nostalgic. It speaks of a time and a dissident that is lost to us. We offer you the added plus of ending your speech with a poem that encapsulates that famous figure. So use our commemorative speech about James Dean and you will touch a chord in the hearts of your listeners.