Persuasive Speech Corporal punishment is wrong for children


This persuasive speech is ideal if you want to persuade your audience that corporal punishment is not acceptable. It says that despite laws parents in different places still punish their kids with a slap or worse. It says that there are better ways to show children boundaries and you have to respect children and teach them respect people and places too. The short poem offers you the opportunity to end your speech on a thoughtful note.

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You may have been hit or beaten as a child, but in this persuasive speech Corporal punishment is wrong for children you will say that this approach is simply no longer acceptable. You will say that unfortunately, although proscribed by law in many countries, children still are punished with a slap or worse.But you will point out that not alone is this cruel and undignified, it ignores better ways to show children boundaries. You will encourage your audience to have respect for their children and to teach them in turn to respect others.The short optional poem provided gives you a harmonious note on which to conclude your persuasive speech Corporal punishment is wrong for children.