Persuasive Speech Your attitude determines how high you can fly


This persuasive speech speaks of the importance of attitude in shaping our lives. It says that a positive attitude leads to a happier life and success. It says we can change our attitude from negativity to being positive and reap the benefits. The short poem offers you the opportunity to end your speech on a thought-provoking note.

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Your feet will be off the ground when you launch into the persuasive speech Your attitude determines how high you can fly. And they won’t touch the ground again until after the applause.This persuasive speech Your attitude determines how high you can fly is a certified winner. You’ll have no trouble making your audience happy.They’ll lap up the affirmation that success depends entirely on how you approach things. Your speech is solid, well written and professional.You can adapt it as much as you want to. Most of all, it is convincing and persuasive, and completely “feel good”.